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Individual donors will always make the largest difference in society. Of the total $316 billion (£188[Wesley1]  billion donated to U.S. charities in 2012, individuals made up 81% (Giving USA Foundation, 2012). Gifts from individuals far exceeded corporate contributions, which comprised only 6% of total donations (Giving USA Foundation, 2013).


The United States has a history of philanthropy and tax laws that promote charitable giving from individuals.

Europe is developing its charitable sector more fully as government spending decreases for social services. There is and will be an increasing demand for funds from private individuals to support charities.


Viking Consulting Services responds to that demand in Europe and the United States.


We bring American fundraising expertise that is culturally-sensitive to European countries. We work with nonprofit organizations and their donor to raise money for both today and tomorrow.

 [Wesley1]188 GBP and 224 EUR

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